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Actinic Keratoses

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Home: Diseases & Conditions: Actinic Keratoses: Symptoms

Actinic Keratoses: Symptoms And Appearance

Symptoms And Appearance

Actinic keratoses may look different in different people. Some people never realize that they have developed actinic keratoses because the keratoses are very small and skin colored. The skin affected by actinic keratoses may look blotchy. It will also be rough in touch. Some actinic keratoses are colored- gray, pink, brown or red.

Actinic keratoses grow slowly in size and sometimes may disappear only to appear later at the same spot. The common sites of occurrence are those that are most exposed to sun. It may include scalp of bald people, back of hands, ears, nose, lower lips, etc. If you find that your spots are itching, bleeding or growing or changing in look, you should consult a doctor quickly.

Actinic keratoses may develop into squamous cell cancer and it is important that you consult a doctor about their removal and take preventive action to stop further growth. If the skin cells forming actinic keratoses lesions grow more, they may take a horn-like shape. The horn may be straight or curved. The size of the horn shape may vary.

Article created on: July 01, 2006

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