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Home: Diseases & Conditions: Dandruff: Prevention And Treatment

Dandruff: Prevention And Treatment

Prevention And Treatment Of Dandruff

Keep a clean scalp. Use shampoo regularly. Let shampoo remain on the scalp for five minutes before you rinse thoroughly. You can choose from many OTC shampoos that are available in the market for dandruff. These shampoos may contain active compounds such as selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, tar, zinc pyrithione, etc. Experts believe that alternating shampoos after every wash may be more effective. You have to use some of these shampoos carefully. Always read the instructions with attention.

Avoid Stress:
Avoiding stress may help you fight dandruff.

Avoid Chemical Treatments:
Avoid chemical treatment of hair. Avoid using hair care products that are chemically based such as sprays, pomades, etc.

Eat a healthy and well balanced diet.

It is observed that instances of dandruff reduce in summer. That provides a thought that sunlight may be good for treating dandruff. But you have to carefully protect your body with sunscreen before you walk out.

Article created on: June 27, 2006

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