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Herpes Simplex: Overview

Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex virus causes a skin infection that is recurrent and cannot be permanently cured. The virus is of two types commonly referred to as HSV1 and HSV2. Herpes causes blisters and sores. After an initial attack, it may recur again after some months or years. Anybody can get this infection and it spreads by body contact. Herpes simplex virus remains dormant in the body forever and flares up for some reasons. Herpes virus causes two kinds of infections- oral herpes also called as cold sores or fever blisters and genital herpes.

As this infection is fairly widespread, especially in sexually active individuals, it is important that you understand more about it and know how to prevent it. The common sites that get affected are lips (cold sores) and genital area (genital herpes). Both the viruses can affect lips and genital areas. But virus type 2 rarely causes active sores in the oral area while virus type 1 can cause herpes in the genital area. People carry many misconceptions about herpes. Let us find out more about Cold Sores and Genital Herpes.

Article created on: August 21, 2006

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