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Acid Mantle Of The Skin

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Home: Skin Care: Acid Mantle Of The Skin: What is acid mantle?

Acid Mantle Of The Skin: What is acid mantle?

What is acid mantle?

As said before, acid mantle is a mixture of secretions of the skin on the surface of the skin. Sweat and sebum form the acid mantle. The normal skin pH is between 4 to 5.5, so it is acidic. This mixture which is acidic is called acid mantle. The acid mantle protects the skin from bacteria. Bacteria get killed by the acid and cannot damage the skin. If you strip the skin of its acidic mantle by using strong alkaline soaps/cleansers, bacteria will find it easy to attack the skin. Moreover removing the acid mantle disturbs the distribution of dead cells on top of epidermis. This is called stratum corneum. The structure of cells in the dead skin cells layer gets disturbed and the bacteria find an easy passage through to the epidermis. Normally these dead cells protect the skin against such damages. The skin is a miracle. These dead cells if allowed to accumulate will make the skin look very bad, but if totally removed, the skin is left defenseless to an extent. We have to arrive at a fine balance in maintenance of the skin.

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