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Home: Diseases & Conditions: Lichen Planus: Causes

Lichen Planus: Causes

Causes Of Lichen Planus

No known cause is known for lichen planus. It is thought that, this may be an autoimmune disease where the white cells of the body attack the skin. It is also thought that a yeast or fungus may be a cause of lichen planus. This is not a hereditary disease, though some members of the same family can get it. It is not a contagious disease. You don't get it by contact. No food product or diet is responsible for causing lichen planus. Some drugs can form lichen planus like rashes, but the rashes clear within few weeks of stopping that drug. In brief, neither any known cause of lichen planus is confirmed, nor any treatment is available that can clear lichen planus. Only relief can be given to the patient.

Article created on: July 08, 2006

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